A website is an essential tool to attract clients and show your authority in your field. With all of the constant changes in marketing and technology, do you know if your website is in need of an overhaul or a refresh of your online presence?

If you are not sure if you need a new website or can keep what you currently have, here are some indications.

Here are 6 signs you need a new website or a re-design:

  1. Your website was created so long ago, it does not represent you anymore. This is very common. Your images may be very generic or clip-art that a programmer just put up. They may look very outdated.

    SOLUTION: Make sure photos of you are fairly current and that your copy reflects you and your business. Have you expanded your capabilities or offerings? Add all new people and updated copy about your business.

  2. Your website isn’t mobile friendly. 58% of the people use a mobile phone to access the internet. If your website is not set up or designed to look great on a phone people will leave your website or have trouble viewing your content. Google does not like to show websites that are not responsive to all devices.
  3. You just don’t like how your website looks anymore. Was there an off the shelf web theme used for your original website? Your website should be something you are proud of and it should represent you and your business in the most professional light. You may regret having spent a lot of money and feel that you have to keep it because of money spent. Website design can get stale and outdated after a few years. Sometimes a website can just have some tweaks to it with new photos or added pages to give it a refresh.
  4. Are visitors struggling to find what they are looking for? Is your website designed with poor navigation or outdated web page structure. A website must be extremely easy for web visitors to navigate and find the information they are looking for or they may leave and click away to a different website.
  5. Is it hard for you to add new content? A lot of early websites were created in such a way website owners had a really hard time getting their content changed. Or maybe your web designers charges a lot to make minor changes.

    SOLUTION: Today there are many themes that are very easy for web owners to update their content easily.

  6. Does it take forever for your website to load or come into view? Your web code might be old and bog down your website from loading into the browser for your customers. They may get tired of waiting and just leave your website all together.

    SOLUTION: Having all plugins and code up to date is very important to keep the website loading properly.

This list is meant to assist business owners in assessing their website. It is important to understand how important your website is to your business and marketing plan.

If you are considering a new website or a website re-design for your business brand. I would love to assist you.

Call or Email Linda today to learn more or get started.
414-466-3936 • goehrecreative@gmail.com